Enough! Tolerance and Denial

  Most Christians are led by the principle that we should hate the sin but not the sinner; that we should always exhibit an inclusive attitude regardless of the behavior of others. Seriously… does this really make sense? Is this even possible? And more importantly… why? What do we ‘gain’ by exhibiting an unconditional, inclusive, tolerant acceptance of all people and beliefs… at all times, regardless? Is there no ‘line in the sand’? What message are we really sending?

  Personally, I have always tried to demonstrate a ‘turning the other cheek’ and felt guilty when I didn’t. I also tried to be inclusive and tolerant of all beliefs of others, even when they didn’t reciprocate this toward me. Why? What message was I really making? WWJD? Finally I began asking myself some questions, such as: Didn’t He throw the money changers out of the temple? Didn’t He confront the Scribes and Pharisees? Am I missing something? Oh yes.

  Edmund Burke is credited with two very significant comments: one, related to what happens when we don’t stand and two, what happens when we let evil prevail by doing nothing. This relates to Christians’ behavior… or the lack. Looking at this from a different perspective, how can we fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples if we don’t stand up for Who and what we believe? Would you believe when this the message is one of… compromise? I don’t think so. I believe we have bought into a lie.

  The Jesus I have came to believe in and know is not weak and ineffectual. I think the lie we have accepted is a denial of Who He is and it’s way past time for us to stand up and become His hand in our worlds, which means no more compromise! No more apologizing for who we are, Whose we are, and what we believe! No more denial of what He expects from us in the name of tolerance. 
Tolerance can’t disguise denial and whenever we don’t acknowledge what He sent us to do, we are in denial of who He is. Never thought of it this way? Probably not and maybe I’ve made my case somewhat strongly but I do believe enough is enough. Tolerance – yes. Denial – no. No more acceptance of those things that go contrary to what He stands for. It’s time to be His Ambassadors become all we are and can be.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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