
  This is one topic I’ve not written on… not sure why unless it is something (an attitude, mindset, frame of reference) that is difficult – disappointing, often typical, and painful. Perhaps one could argue about the operational definition of the word… to me it’s quite simple. Backsliding is placing the Lord and the things of the Lord on your ‘back burner’. It’s when who you are begins changing to more of a person of the world rather than the Lord’s Ambassador in the world. And yes, there is a significant difference between who you are and what you do when you are of and not in. 

  Quite honestly, no one wakes up one morning and says, “I think I’ll start backsliding today.” This act tends to be one that is started just like growing – line upon line. Sometimes the beginning is something you disagree with and become highly incensed about. Other times it is a slow seepage of putting aside what you know and think is good, right and accepting what is easier and more expedient. 

  I believe that backsliding is so much more than not regularly attending church. However, who you fellowship with does speak to this issue. How you spend your time, especially leisure time, speaks to this – what you watch on television; does it uplift or tear down? I believe the answers to all those questions, and others, has to do with who you are – what you do and say (and don’t do and say). If you have the image in your mind of the Lord next to you, then what would be His reaction to your behavior and words? For me, that’s what my key is to backsliding. It is a character issue. 

  If you have or are in a state of backsliding… you can change. If you are aware or are made aware… you can change. You need to look at two things – one, what caused your backsliding – is there a reason or is it merely idleness or just not placing the things of God first. Two, what you are willing to do to become recommitted. Is the Lord important to you? It can’t be only words. What behaviors replace the backsliding ones because if you are eliminating something, you have to replace those behaviors with the new or renewed. Replacing is a key because without it you are weakened and susceptible. Mathew 12:43-45 (Luke 11:24-26) paints a sobering picture of what can happen when we remove but don’t replace.  

  I believe that one of the problems about backsliding is the seductive nature of the ‘subject/object’ of your backsliding. Whatever was the source doesn’t just nicely go away when you realize your sin and leave (because I think backsliding is a sin). Ah no. It tries another venue of entry or it just lays quietly in the background waiting to find a way in to lure you back. The absolute only way of not succumbing to its enticement in the future, that I am aware, is to rip it out, repent, and replace it with what is Godly and righteous. 

  There are great benefits to returning to the path you were on before you got on the slippery slide of backsliding. Not the least of these is the re-establishing of your relationship with the Lord. Plus, remembering the lessons you learned when you slipped so that you don’t repeat them. Then remember the story of the Prodigal Son and how he was received when he repented and returned. Backsliding is not a happy place because you, in the depths of your being, know what’s happened. Never forget though, there’s always a way out of this condition…

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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