If you are in a relationship and you never talk about the relationship and how it is growing, how you are growing, what you see in the other person, etc. then I believe a fair description of the relationship is – disastrous. It’s not that you are predetermining the relationship or making it staid by talking about it; it’s that you are sharing your heart, your self with the other person and listening to if the two of you are wanting the same goals. What would stop you from doing this? Self-preservation? A lack of trust? If trust is the reason then you really do need to look at the relationship.
I would argue that this relates to ALL relationships from the somewhat casual to a spousal relationship. Especially in the latter case, communication is critical or you may find yourselves going in opposite directions – assuming the other person is on the same page… or even reading the same book. But even in ‘casual’ relationships, however you define the word, it’s important to know if what you understand is what the other person wants from the friendship. Actually… misunderstandings and hurt feelings can be avoided when you talk to each other. It may be disastrous, but it can be redeemed – even if you part – it doesn’t have to become toxic. No one benefits when everyone is hurt.