To the least

  Perhaps it’s time to stop looking only at what you aren’t doing, especially compared to what others are doing and start considering what you are doing. What are YOU doing to fulfill the The Great Commission? Are you doing more? less? different from? what you were doing yesterday? last month? last year? If you aren’t doing all you can, will you? Remember, the only person you should compare yourself to is… you. 

  I would also argue that the ‘do’ has to have a context. The Great Commission is the purpose and goal, but what you do may not be what someone else does. Never forget the scripture that talks about some plant, some water, and some reap (John 4:35-38, 1 Corinthians 3:6-7).  What you do is needed, necessary, and never – just a little thing. You just need to do what you do!!!

     “… inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, 
      you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40)
  You do realize that Jesus is talking to us, Christians, and referring to what we do/say to others, both encouragingly and hurtfully? This entire chapter is talking about when we stand before Him in the last day and what and who we were and what He will be considering as important (2 Corinthians 5:10). Before you assume that you are woefully lacking remember how you touch lives. 

  Each day the people in our world: spouse, children, other customers or employees at the store we are shopping in, etc. – we, by what we say or do have an opportunity to be a blessing to them. As we encounter others, we can encourage them or discourage them. Bottom line… do you believe, in your heart of hearts, that you are doing all that you can? Granted, you could do more, but are you are doing what you can? If so… then take heart! When/If you can do ‘more’ then do so, but until then… do what’s at your hand that you can do!

[Note: I wrote most of this for my church’s monthly newsletter, but I thought I would expand it and share here too.]
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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