Finding the ‘sweet spot’

  At times it seems that life is a juggling act – trying to keep ‘everything’ in balance, trying to keep ‘everyone‘ in balance, and trying ‘to do the right thing’. Is there really ever a point of equilibrium? Do we ever find our sweet spot in our own life? Not certain I know – I’m still trying to find mine! That was said somewhat facetiously. I’m beginning to believe that ‘equilibrium’ is a moment in time that we see, sometimes in hindsight. But as a place of residence – not, at least in my experience.

  However, even though it may not be a residence, when one does experience this, what a high it is. There’s such a sense of peace and of calm… so it’s worth pursuing. I suspect that a definition wouldn’t go amiss. Webster defines equilibrium as: “…a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other…” Not a particularly exciting definition and one that doesn’t draw you into pursuing this status. However, another part of the definition is: “… a state of intellectual or emotional balance…” Now that is considerably better.

  We all find ourselves, at times, at ‘war’ with … us. On the one hand… and on the other hand… These, mostly diametrically opposing views, thoughts, possible actions, etc. do exist within all of us. The point is that we need to find our foundation, what is immovable in our lives in order to make sense and come to a consensus within ourselves. Without a foundation we can far too easily be swayed by whoever speaks into our lives last. This can mean we appear to others and ourselves as ‘wishy washy’ because our commitment to a particular stand is on shifting sand.

  One lesson I’ve learned is that if I try, consciously, to pursue equilibrium, I find it continually just out of my grasp. However, when I consciously attempt to be true to who I am and what I am about, then I come closer. Perhaps it isn’t equilibrium that needs pursuing, perhaps it’s a daily commitment to act with integrity, apply critical thinking, act on all of my standards, and try to be the best person you can be in the day. Perhaps keeping my eyes on the Lord’s plans for me will provide the peace I seek. Perhaps this mindset trumps everything else…? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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