
  Recently I told a friend, “Life is a series of interesting seasons.” When you think about it and/or look at your own life – true that? It is impossible (I think) to stand still and take up residence in a place or time for long. This is why I keep preaching that we need to be intentional about what we do. If we aren’t then we miss our now in the midst of moaning about what isn’t. Harsh? Probably, but it does seem to be accurate.

  Seasons hold all sorts of surprises, opportunities, issues, learnings, obstacles, etc. and this gives us an understanding of how we react and respond to them. This gives rise to another preaching – that we do need to know ourselves and allow (yes, allow) ourselves to grow, mature, make mistakes, not be our best self, etc. Never forget that you are the most important, most critical component in the decisions you make. And, some of those decisions will strike you as absolutely brilliant, and others will give rise to a… ‘did I really intend to do (fill in the blank)’?

  I must admit that we all tend to be in the midst of the next season when we realize we have emerged from the last one. Seasons are not always painless, sometimes we learn difficult lessons about life, ourselves, and how we adapt and adopt to these lessons. This should never be cause for alarm or fear because we are living in ‘difficult’ times. For those of us who have chosen Jesus as our Lord, He told us these times would come but that He would be with us. What a comfort.

  Personally, I’ve always enjoyed the various seasons and what they bring with their emergent. Seasons are never our enemy – they are designed to help us discover our new adventures. I believe seasons bring us to a summation of the previous season to allow us to rediscover all those ‘things’ that are important and define us. This always allows us to refine what needs to be and eliminate those pieces that aren’t helpful. Are you in tune with your seasons? You really can grow because of them. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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