
  Every once in awhile I stop myself and ask … ‘who am I talking to?’ Am I preaching to the choir? Am I talking to people who never would read this? Maybe I do have an ‘audience’ in mind… but what do I want to tell them? Or ask them? Encourage them? Teach? Perhaps this isn’t the point? But speaking into a ‘void’ can be difficult. As a result, I’ve decided to talk to… me. I definitely invite you into the conversation and invite any comments you may wish to share.

  It may sound easy to ‘focus’ but it can also be incredibly difficult. There are so many voices attempting to attract our attention that losing the thread is far easier than expected. So what can we do to focus? Are there coping mechanisms or mindsets we can adapt/adopt to assist us? Actually… why are we concerned about focus in the first place?

  When I was a child, my Mom would often say – “Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.” And not being focused can definitely cause us to end up not doing well. I also think that I am the type that hates being corrected, especially if I really know better – so this axiom does tend to direct me. And yes, I do ignore it at times – but it’s not because of not knowing, it’s a willfulness. (Burnt fingees is not a positive outcome.) 

  From a different perspective, think about what you say and do… there are moments when we feel that what we are about to do/say is critically important. If we aren’t focused then those who we need to be attentive may not realize the importance. Let’s face it – we live in a noisy world and if we are affected by it so will others. My ultimate check is from scripture which tells us that we will beheld accountable for every idle word we speak (Matthew 12:36). Ergo, it’s up to me to concentrate, to intentionally be alert in order to effective and efficiently respond and proactively act – to speak and act focused. Quite honestly… having to repeat something because I didn’t pay attention is not a happy occurrence

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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