The Best is yet to come!

  Heard that one before? I suspect we all have. It can come across like a placebo during times of stress or disaster or whatever negative event occurred that you are facing or that you’ve just come through. I think it’s meant to be an encouragement, to help us look to the future rather than dwelling on what has just happened. It’s a form of ‘hope’ but without any details. Does this work for you?

 If you are still mired in your situation then ‘better’ is what you seek first. Strangely enough, you have to want to change your position. You have to want to emerge from the stress or seeming disaster that you are experiencing. You have to want. And to actualize want, you have to act. You have to be intimately involved with resolving the situation you are in, rarely can it be done for you. In this case, want is an action word – something you do, whether that is a physical act or a mindset change. 

  But, you know, if you are emerging from a stressful situation then Better has arrived! We don’t always realize this but we are considerably better now then what we just were. So? Is that what you think – so? So… now you can move on, begin anew or start something new; the past has been and the future can beckon you. But… this requires you to stand again. You have to seize your new for it to be real. Improvement rarely is simply plopped in our laps. Better, leading to Best is something for which we ‘contend’.

  One of the motivations for us in these times is our belief in that the Best is yet to come. If we don’t believe it’s possible then we won’t recognize it when it does come. We can move from ‘disaster’ to good to better to best. It’s all in our attitude and our mindset. Do you see silver lining, not rose colored glasses? Do you believe that you are a candidate for best? Have you turned to the Lord for assistance, for advice, for help? (Romans 8:28)

     “And we KNOW that all things work together for good to those who
      love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

  Remember though that first we must love God and love is an action word. And we need to act according to His purpose. Have you remembered His purpose? What you have been created to be and do? If so, then the Best is yet to come. If not, then simply go to His Word to discover His plans and purposes for you.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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