Love and Learn

  It struck me that one of the more critical components in loving is learning about the other person – who they are, how they go about being who they are, what they like, their dreams and hopes, what they want from the relationship with you… and the list of things to learn and discover is inexhaustible. Yes? If you aren’t willing to engage on this level then why would you embark on a relationship? Sadly, yes, there are people who really only want an arm’s length superficial relationship.

  So ask yourself – what kind of relationship do you want with the Lord? Do you pursue an intimate, growing in depth and breadth or do you keep Him at arm’s length? If you say you love Him then I don’t see any option but to learn about and from Him. Though this will sound old-fashioned and black/white, but I believe love is an ‘is’. Either it is or it isn’t. Perhaps love begins as an awakening but once it is seen and accepted, then it is an ‘is’. You don’t turn love on and off like as tap. You don’t wake up and announce love no longer is… unless you are incredibly shallow and if so, was it love in the first place?

  Remember how it is defined in scripture. Read again chapter 13 in 1 Corinthians, especially verses 4-8a. Now look at yourself and how you demonstrate love. Is/Does it: suffers long, kind, not envy, not parade or puffed up, not rude, not seek its own, not provoked, thinks no evil, not rejoice in iniquity BUT rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things – Love never fails. Do you see how you portray these traits of love in your relationships? Do you see who you are as you are these traits? Do you understand what you are doing when you demonstrate love?

  Love is an ongoing learning. You learn about yourself, the other person, and the relationship. You remember that love never fails. You recall verse 2 that tells us that without love we are nothing. Remember what the Lord told His disciples (which includes us) that we would be known by our love. Love is tough, is strong. However, it isn’t a mat to be trampled upon. Love is a standard – the mindset that forms our behavior. Love is always an action.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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