Relationship and matter-ing

  Do you believe you matter? In your heart, at the very core of your being… do you believe this about you? If so then you can’t do less than your best every moment of the day. Stress-less and non-striving, but confidently your best you. I know I’ve written before about your importance, but do you believe the message is for you? Do you act on it? No, not at the expense of another’s ‘rights’ or contrary to who and what you are – but do you express you?

  The point is that while you matter, you also have One who never leaves you to support you as you live your life. I would suggest that this is one relationship that always needs to be in existence. It isn’t enough to be as good as you can, but you have to be in relationship. What this accomplishes is that it helps defines you, who you are, and Whose you are. Your words and actions demonstrate and affirm the truth of your relationship. 

  We all tend to like to think we are ‘independent’ and ‘self-sufficient’ and this rarely changes over time. As young people we tend to think we are invincible and we definitely act this way. Over the years this does diminish, to a degree but we still have this sense that we CAN, unless we really don’t want to. And I do believe that there is a great deal we CAN do, but rarely without help. In one of Jesus’ teachings to His disciples prior to His death and resurrection was to assure those with Him that they wouldn’t have to do everything on their own. That just as He had been with them, He would ask the Father to send a helper. And we read in Acts that as they waited, they were imbued with power. (John 15, Acts 2)

  Realizing that these were people who had been with Jesus throughout His ministry, how much more do we need this assurance. (not a question) We are gifted, we have been made the righteous, unearned, (Ephesians 2, 2 Corinthians 5) We matter. So much so that Jesus made certain that we would be in relationship and understand that we matter… just not according to the world’s standard. We are prepared when we become and act according to the standard given us (John 13:35), that we have the Holy Spirit with us, and are more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39). 

  Nothing is missing or lacking in us being and doing. 


Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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