Beyond the Tithe

  So, you’re a ‘good’ person trying to follow all the principles of the Lord that help develop you into a mature and effective person. Yes? And, you believe in tithing so you make certain that you tithe from your income. Yes? Now… what about the other areas of your life? Do you tithe them as well? Do you tithe your time, your gift, your you? And if you respond that you didn’t read that in scripture, then does this also identify the ‘type’ of Christian you are? I would argue that we can all give beyond the tithe and that it more than only money.

  Maybe this is just my interpretation or quirk, but I believe that we are responsible to tithe not just money but those other ‘talents’ of our lives. Not scriptural? Possibly… but maybe if we began thinking of all those ways in which we could also give we would be a more effective us. I’m not suggesting that you become obsessive about everything, but is it wrong to think about giving as more than financial? That a tithe is the beginning not the end of the process?

  If all we do is give our 10% of the money we receive, is that sufficient? Perhaps not intentionally but it does result in becoming satisfied with only the financial tithe. There are countless numbers of people who really struggle with trying to tithe financially but give in countless other ways, giving sacrificially of their time and talents though not considering their time and other resources of their lives as a tithe.  

  Do not get into comparing what you have with someone else nor condemning yourself or another if they don’t tithe all. I know I’m sounding harsh and accusatory but I’m not pointing fingers (because if I did there would be 4 fingers pointed back to me). This is an area that I’ve struggled with as well – the how and what. Finally, I think I’ve discovered my response – to do whatever is at hand to the best of my ability. I try and be open and available to ‘tithe’ what I am and have. 

  I would also argue that a ‘tithe’ is an understanding we each have to discover and define. Scripture does talk about this in both the Old and New Testaments so it must be a concept that’s important. I do know that by tithing we give access to the Father to also work in our lives. Not completely understanding this because I know He is always available. I just keep remembering His words in Malachi 3: beginning in verse 8:

     “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what 
      way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings…”

See… there is something beyond the tithe – offerings.


Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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