I really haven’t done anything…

  Do you ever feel like that? When you look at your life accomplishments do you immediately compare yourself to [fill in the blank) and think or feel you fall incredibly short? Perhaps you are waiting to ‘be assigned’? That you are only marking time until you are somehow ‘launched’? That you really haven’t discovered who or what you are supposed to be and do?

  Perhaps the question is: How do you really assess yourself? Do you assess or do you compare? Assessment is always, by definition, involved with thinking about improvement or refining. Comparing really never focuses on those ‘conditions’ … it focuses on what you’ve accomplished or not, especially in reference to others. Truth be told is that sometimes we never really see our impact – we really aren’t invisible but we simply don’t know.? If your role is as a seed planter the harvest time may not be yours to enjoy. If you are a harvester do recognize that seeds had to be planted and watered for the harvest to occur. Rarely do we have the joy of experiencing at one time all 3 – seeding, watering, and harvesting. 

  However, is there a different question? Are you hiding your gift? We all have the responsibility to discover our special and unique gifting and then… Do it! If you say you don’t know yours then go discover it. It isn’t hiding, avoiding, or evading you. Start at the place of what you enjoy, what excites you – what brings meaning to your life. We all have our special gifting built into our DNA. If you say that there are others who do it better than you…not the point. No one, other than you, can bring your own expression in quite the same way as you do. And the consequences of you not expressing is a terrible loss.

  When it refers to who you are and what you do, ‘later’ should never be a condition, a word of definition. Especially in the world we live in, everyone needs to act on who they are, where they are, and with what they have. Waiting really is not an option. If you truly believe you haven’t ‘done anything’ (needs defining), then look at what’s at your hand. What needs to be done that you can do? Glamorous or not, dramatic or not – none of that is important. Be-ing and Do-ing what you can do is what’s important. Remember… God’s in the little (undefined) ‘things’ as well. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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