If you Say it… Do you do it?

  As a writer, you sometimes Know (capital K) when a thought is going to turn into a post or become part of the next book. This was very true for me with this title (so, it’s a both/and). Honestly, there are times that I believe that my primary ‘writer skill’ is as a kind of scribe. Some of the things I’ve written are far more than just me. And with some I learn as I write. With this particular title, it will be both a blog post as well as part of the next book.

  The question is not an unusual question, but it certainly is one that speaks volumes about your character. Related to this, in my beginning steps as a Christian there was a scripture that literally jumped off the page for me, Matthew 12:36-37:

     “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will
      give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you 
      will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

I realize I’ve written about this scripture, spoken by Jesus, before but it is a sobering statement that calls us to be more than merely casually aware. It deserves to be contemplated and self-determined. When we say something, will we follow through and do it? We need to remember that what we say is truly like a rock thrown into a body of water that then sends out ripples in all directions. That’s the potentiality of words. And when you add this to character… a very potent situation. A ‘…but that’s not what I meant/intended…’ is no excuse.

  A somewhat related scripture or ‘condition’ to this scripture is:

     “…Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.
      But he who doubts is condemned… whatever is not from faith is
      sin.” (Romans 14:22-23)

A serious argument could be given that I am taking this scripture, spoken by Paul, out of context since Paul was giving a lesson on eating. Somehow, I don’t think so. The example may have been eating but the lesson is doubt, faith and sin. Condemnation and approval become the emotional checks on doubt and faith. And You are the subject and verb.

  All this is not said to make us censor our words and thoughts – the point is to be aware and conscious of them and the impact. And, equally important, are we only speakers or do we do? In another place in scripture it tells us that our Yes should be ‘yes’ and our No, ‘no’ (Matthew 5:37). Are we wobblers? Do we change what we say dependent upon who last spoke to us? Do we have the faith to act on our ‘sayings’? How do we present ourselves?

  Being a wordsmith, my mindset is to not use words lightly. I believe I was brought up to say what I thought, mindful of the ramifications but to not present the thought as the only viable option. And yes, I do fail at this – but the lesson has not been lost. Words paint pictures, they can lead, they can stunt growth; all dependent upon how the thought is presented. They also make a strong statement about who you are. The question – do you follow through on your words? When you say them, do you do them? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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