I am …

  How would you finish that sentence? How do you describe and define you? And yes I know I’ve asked this question multiple times before and in multiple contexts. Still a valid question… and a continually evolving one. Do you define yourself in terms of the things you do? Perhaps you define yourself more than you describe you by focusing on those words, such as intelligent or creative or a leader, etc. that indicate the person you are? Maybe you use one word to describe or maybe you use phrases. Regardless, you always express who you are, your ‘I am’ with every word you utter and every action you take. Fundamental question – do you know you?  

  But… do you really know you? Do you understand you? Do you value you? And yes, knowing, understanding and valuing ARE important! I know I’ve said this before but until you can value yourself you will never be able to accept valuing from others. The adjectives you choose to describe you… are they positive ones? Negative? Have you defined, operationally, what and how this describes you? And yes, you are more than only the sum of your parts but you still need to know your parts.

  From a different perspective, what is missing for you and are these important or realistic for you to work on for you to become who you can be in the world you live in? Until you can define your I am, your ‘I do’ has no foundation for expression. Expression obviously will occur but is there continuity and conviction directing the expression? Except for the essential aspects, nothing of who you are and what you do is cast in cement. Nor would this be what we want or need. We are designed to grow, to discover and this can never happen if change wasn’t also a component. 

  I think that what I am attempting to do is to encourage you to take the time for you – now, not in the some undefined future. To learn who you are becoming and the influences that are motivating you – this should always be an ongoing ‘activity’ and it doesn’t smack of me-ism, it’s a discovery process. For you to understand and appreciate you, you have to know you. And don’t simply assume. You are far more complex than you may realize and simultaneously, as simple and straight-forwarded as you wish to portray yourself. Also, remember that refinement or change or growth – you choose your frame of reference, never happens in a vacuum. In order for you to Be and Do your best you, you have to know your who/what/why/how. So… what, for you, follows after ‘I am…’ 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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