A New Season

  What does this phrase say to you? How do you react when you sense in your spirit that change is about to occur? Does this make you excited, anticipating; fearful or anxious? Whatever your reaction, the point is that there is ALWAYS a sense of… wondering. How will the new influence who you are and who you are becoming? And we should never forget that all change, slight or dramatic, change us… and typically this happens daily (whether or not we are conscious of this).

  Can we prepare? Not sure this is possible since no one possess foresight. However, I thought a moment longer and realized that there are many insights scripture provides us. 

     * Be-ing alert. Isaiah 43:18-19  
       “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of 
        old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall 
        you not know it?”

To me, God is telling Isaiah to look ahead not behind. But He’s also telling him that he will know the new season coming. But I would also argue that it is a knowing of upcoming change… not necessarily the content of the change. From these words from the Father, we can also assume that this is a positive change – not a warning or fearful (though God does warn us of upcoming problems and issues – check your own spirit to determine if it is a warning or it’s new thing). Our focus/instructions: don’t get caught in yesterday and yesterday’s mode of Do-ing. We will be prepared for the new, and we can also think ‘out of the box’.

     * Be-ing prepared. Revelation 1:3
        “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this
         prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it…”

  Read, Hear, Heed. Those directions are not suggestions. There is a blessing on those who follow them. When we sense that there is going to be change, that a new season is coming then we need to ‘double down’ and be in study of the Word, pray, and be ready to know what we need to do – how, when, and why. We are cautioned to prepare. Never forget the warning found in the parable of the Five wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13).

  Ultimately I believe it is our attitude about change and who we are in these situations, which are not familiar. Newness always brings the unknown. We can try and ignore change coming or we can prepare and welcome it. How we choose to respond to new seasons given us is always an indication of our character. It is so easy to quote scripture such as Psalms 31:15 – “My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from …” (fill in the blank), in the ‘easy’ times  The challenge is to remember and quote this during the times of uncertainty.

  New seasons bring challenges, bring change but they don’t need to bring fear – it’s our choice of who we will be as a result.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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