For the most part, I am a silver-linings type. I tend to be able to find a positive in most situations. This is NEVER a rose-colored glasses approach nor is it that I ignore the issues and problems, it’s that I try and find the positive so I have a solid platform on which to address the problems. Besides, I have discovered that the scripture is true – “A merry heart doeth good as a medicine.”(Proverbs 17:22) I believe this mindset, starting with, from the positive is far more effective in getting to resolution than only stating the obvious. When there’s a problem, everyone is aware and continuing to focus/rehearse this is futile in my world – wringing hands never provides options.
We also read in 3John, verse 2 that health is related to just about everything in our lives.
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health,
just as your soul prospers.”
Just how effective do you think you are when you are physically ill… or maybe it’s in your soul, that you are ‘spiritually’ down in the dumps? Regardless, our health has a significant impact on our efficiency, our effectiveness, our fruitfulness… and I could go on, but the point’s made.
The Spirit Filled Bible’s notes on the word ‘health’ in this verse states, “Metaphorically, the word refers to sound doctrine (1Timothy 1:10, 2Timothy 4:3, etc.), sound words (1Timothy 6:3, 2Timothy 1:13), and soundness in the faith (Titus 1:13, 2:1).” Another note states that John was teaching that the physical health will be commensurate with the (individual’s) spiritual status. Whether or not you concur with this view, it does give us a broader (different?) conceptualization of prosper and health.
Without much argument, most people who quote this verse are focusing on the word ‘prosper’. But mainly the prosper refers to the… in all things. We need to read the entire context of this word and verse, especially the point, “…just as your soul prospers.” I’m not arguing the ‘in all things’ connection but I would suggest we begin understanding that a merry heart is a good witness to our health – spiritual and physical.
So what is a merry heart? The end of the verse in Proverbs 17 says, “But a broken spirit dries the bones.” Heaviness, sadness whatever their source is not conducive to life, especially the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). How can we show love and joy, peace, happiness when we are not living a life that displays those characteristics? Proverbs 15:13 – “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” I especially like v 15 – “All the days of the afflicted are evil, But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” Also, read again the comment in the notes indicating that physical health is commensurate with spiritual status.
No, life doesn’t always deal out joy but how we respond to the cares of the world speak volumes. A merry heart does not deny, ignore, or attempt to cover over these times and troubles. But a merry heart doesn’t wallow either. This is a person who knows Whose they are and who they are becoming and shares this instead. A merry heart-ed person walks gently yet confidently in Whom they believe. This person turns to their source and acts on their faith. How is the health of your heart? Merry?