Did you ever consider that you are on assignment? That there will be opportunities for growth and learning that will lead you to a promotion? True that. I believe that the sole caveat to this is you, me. We are the ones who choose this mindset, or not. You really can’t choose growth or promotion without first choosing commitment to a student’s (learner) approach to life and its experiences.
At times this may feel like you are being asked to go where no one has gone before. Probably not. But even if this were true, you would never be alone, you would have the Lord with you in this adventure. However, the reality is that it is only you that’s not been ‘there’. And, if you are asked to go to (fill in the blank) then a new-for-you learning is waiting. It makes no difference if others have been (wherever) and though you can learn from their interpretation and understanding of their learning, yours may or may not be exactly the same. The point is that You are in a learning mode and it is your determination as to how to incorporate this into your ‘who you are’.
But never assume. Simply because something is before you doesn’t always mean that you are supposed to walk into … Never forget that your enemy would love to derail you, even for a short time. How to know? Simple. Ask the Lord, He will never tempt you. Again, how to know? For me, another clue is if I feel a sense of peace – this is my guide. If fear is the feeling this is not from the Lord. On the other hand, the devil will use this both to tempt/challenge us to continue or to stop us from proceeding. Which is his intent is of lesser concern than how you what you do!
Another clue for me is to assess (typically quickly) me in the situation – am I minimally prepared spirit, soul, body? am I equipped? Though it may be a new learning situation, what is it I already know that will aid me? Is there any other resource available for me to utilize to assess? It isn’t necessary for us to always ‘reinvent the wheel’ when it comes to our methodology in our learning – we can apply the understandings we’ve already learned. Simultaneously, don’t get caught in what is your primary basis as your only method to discover the new discovery – be brave enough to think and act outside the box. You may discover more about yourself in the process.’Assignments’ appear to be the primary procedure used to help us grow, that give us the information on what we know.
I do believe that all of us are given assignments for our lives that when we act on whatever our level of understanding happens to be, that this is enhanced and enlarged (Psalm 119:32,Isaiah 54:2). For me, if I don’t test my beliefs, if I don’t allow my understandings to grow then I inhibit myself from being stretched to what I can know, what I can do, who I can be.