Describe you? Did this occur because of… an offense? bit by bit? Spiritual growth not a priority any more? Do you know what this word means? Or is it more of a vague, ‘universally’ understood/accepted definition? Do you know what it looks like, can you tell from the behaviors from yourself or those you believe to be in this state that backsliding is (has) occurring?
‘Backslide’ really is an insidious condition because this touches not only the life of the person experiencing this state but those people surrounding them, especially family. The more critical questions are – what can be done for the person (internally) and (how) can the body help? Criticism is totally ineffective, in my opinion, because I consider backslide as a disease of the soul (mind, will, and emotions). I believe that after this ‘diagnosis’ a plan of health restoration needs to be individually developed. This is never a ‘one size fits all’ situation. This must be done involving the person afflicted because until they are ready for restoration… there is little we can do for that person except to pray for a renewed ‘awakening’ for them.
While the behaviors made look the same, rarely is the cause/reasons for the condition the same for everyone. I also tend to think that most of us have experienced our own times of backsliding. But we need to understand the definition first. So what is it? We can see the evidences of backsliding but how do we identify it and can we see the symptoms before the ‘disease’ has control?
I would say that a good examination of the ‘patient’ identifies a person with a lessening love of and for the things of the Lord. Prayer time and studying the word has trickled into non-existence. The cares of the world have built up and taken over the time that once might have been spent in fellowship with the Lord. Fellowship with other Christians is another component in the analysis – that time spent with fellow Christians is minimal at best and rarely are the situations iron-sharpening-iron discussion.
Though only two examples, they are powerful ones to identify my definition of backsliding. For me, it’s the relatively obvious behaviors that identify backsliding the easiest. There are also other aspects, most of them are internal – such as taking offense with what is happening in the church and/or leadership. A lack of understanding of the direction the church is heading and doing nothing about discovering why. Or someone in the church has betrayed or hurt you in some way that you can’t(?) or won’t(?) forgive.
As I said, I would suggest that backsliding begins in our soul – our mind, our will, and our emotions. Somehow something happens that we don’t immediately address that only grows and becomes that festering sore that we believe will only be cured by backing away from what we perceive as the cause. What we need to do is to go to the Lord and seek relief and understanding or whatever it is that will assist us to resolve the situation because it IS resolution we should seek.
Scripture gives us countless examples of what we need to do, what our attitude needs to be. Backsliding recovery begins in us, in our hearts. We need to want to be restored if we are the ones backsliding. If we believe that the body is harmed when any member no longer fills their place then when we see the behavior from others indicating this, we need to be vulnerable enough to seek the person out to discover what’s happening in their lives (1Corinthians 12:25-26). If our overtures are rejected, we should pray. Remember 1Peter 4:8 and continue to love.