As I was writing and editing my next book, “Be-ing & Do-ing“, I remember remarking to myself (yes, one can do this and not be a nut case) that we, not the Lord, we determine who we and others are by what they do… and how. How we go about do-ing our ‘what’ refines how we are viewed. But it seems that it is inescapable that we make assumptions about the character, the value of ourselves and others by the ‘what’ in our lives. Obvious? Probably but that isn’t the point. Do we then limit that person, even ourselves, as to their interests, activities, abilities, etc.? Yes. We all seem to be a bit myopic (the second definition by Webster – “a lack of foresight or discernment”) or maybe it’s a form of self-preservation.?
Rarely do we ‘draw out’ the other person as to their who, apart from their what. We typically discover, over time and interactions, the subtle nuances that many times surprise us about that other person. I wonder if we surprise ourselves by what we discover about us as well? I wonder if we see the potential in the other person or only what is presented (multi-dimensional v. one-dimensional)? Do we provide a safe (defined as non-gossip) person to share their more unique aspects? (Both questions are also directed to our own sharing of ourselves.)
I realize that we all categorize, compartmentalize, and order what we see, hear, and know in order to make sense of our world. Yet, we all tend to narrow our definitions. Rather than ‘fitting’ people into our understanding, couldn’t we allow the ‘stimuli’ to help define? Wouldn’t a bit of thinking and acting outside the box be a more effective way to understand and expand our categories? Obviously I would contend that this is how we should function rather than either dismissing or ignoring ‘abnormalities’ by others to our categories. People are rarely an easy ‘fit’. One of the questions should be… just how comfortable are we with this category reality about ourselves?
When we pre-decide that someone (including ourselves) or something can’t be done, accomplished we really need to be aware of why we believe as we do. Why is it you or someone can’t do/be (fill in the blank)? Is it a lack of ability or a lack of our awareness? I remember one time that the Lord pointed out to me that I was limiting what His names meant and could do. Both aghast and intrigued, I asked in what ways was I doing this. He pointed out my definitions were limiting. He is Jehovah Jireh and Rapha (among His other names) but what I thought was ‘provision’ was far more. And what I believed was ‘healing’ encompassed a greater expanse than only physical.
When we limit ourselves, we also limit what the Lord can do with and through us. We also limit how we allow Him to Be who He is. Be open to all that You can Be and Do. Be open to the person next to you, that you have categorized, to also Be and Do. But especially allow the Lord to be Lord. Never forget the slogan… ‘Let go and Let God’. You will be amazed at what will happen.