and effort… and commitment. Whatever your ‘it’ is – it takes time, and effort, and commitment because it rarely is a simple walk in the park. If your ‘it’ is important to you, has value, you rarely find it handed to you on a silver platter. What am I talking about? Your important parts (attitudes, character) and the bits and bobs that make you… you. When you look at and define you, it is the parts of you that took time, that may have come from hard learned lessons that you can probably cite every aspects of what was happening and how you learned (fill in the blank). Rarely do we have the luxury of a serendipitous and uncomplicated life of discovery/learning.
If you are important to you… And if what you want to Be and Do is important to you… And if you want your life to make a difference… then it takes time and effort and commitment. But you do need to grant yourself grace and mercy because you will occasionally mess up – sometimes even intentionally. Without grace and mercy you won’t be able to fully internalize and incorporate all of your learnings into you because some learnings will be prickly or perhaps they seem to not ‘fit’ anywhere or perhaps some appear contradictory. But with every hard fought battle to become your best you, you learn a bit more about who you are becoming – and how you merge all of you.
I appreciate that we all seem to be in a great hurry… to do??? to be??? to (fill in the blank)??? Do we really understand why? What’s the rush? Wouldn’t a slightly, every so slightly, slowing down (whatever you are ratcheting up) give us a greater understanding of what we are discovering? Give us the best way to incorporate? If you ever discover you seem to be learning the same lesson over and over, then it should give you pause to take the time to determine why this is happening. Perhaps you are learning a ‘lesson’ but not letting it become part of you?
You don’t have time to take the time? I would suggest you really don’t have an option. You need to take the time so that you don’t backtrack or wander off your path. I suspect we all have a front view of life – what’s going to be happening next – but perhaps if we took the time to understand, to appreciate, to learn our current, then we wouldn’t be wasting our time. Yes? Perhaps? Life, whether you have many years or only a few, should be savored and enjoyed to the fullest – moment by moment. If you rush, you won’t. Who you are, are becoming takes time. Flavor your time, effort, and commitment with grace and mercy toward yourself as well as others and the fulfillment, joy, and all of the accouterments will enrich your living.