It took me some time to fully understand this and I’m still discovering. The Father doesn’t need us to praise Him – we need us to praise Him, to worship Him for Who He is and what He does. Prayer is our method of coming to Him and consciously talking and fellowshipping with Him. If we aren’t in relationship then how can we follow the ‘directions’ in Hebrews (11:6)?
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes
to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those
who diligently seek Him.”
Duly note the qualifier – faith. We come in faith… believing. Why would we come otherwise? If we don’t believe then He can’t help. Faith is our foundation to act on what we believe.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may
obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
From the beginning, when God created man, He wanted to be in relationship with us. Remember how He would walk with Adam in the cool of the day (Genesis)? Remember how His son, Jesus, in speaking with His disciples, said that He called them ‘friends’ (John 15:15-16)?
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know
what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all
things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”
Friends! This relationship is what initially incensed Lucifer and ended causing his downfall. And relationship is our gift that we receive when we accept Him.
Prayer is one method that we have to relate with the Lord. Never forget that this is a two-way communication. As you are still before the Lord, He does make known His plans and purposes. You/We bring our needs, our wishes, our dreams and hopes and lay these before Him waiting on Him. Prayer is our ‘tool’ to also go beyond needs, wishes, dreams and hopes into a deeper level of knowing and understanding.
As we wait on the Lord, He makes manifest to us what is important. That is why I say that prayer is really for us. When we wait and listen, we are empowered and commissioned. Prayer has always been more than simply bringing our requests. It’s how we come. It’s what we come with – such as singing unto the Lord concerning what He has done in our lives. Certainly He knows but it’s important that we tell Him that we know.
Prayer can occur at any time, in any place. Prayer is never a one and done. Prayer is talking with the Lord and letting Him know our plans and allowing Him to become part of them, refining us and them. It is my belief that prayer is one of the pillars on which we stand in good times and in bad. It is the firm foundation. It never is shifting sand. Prayer…. is for us.