It’s true! I never met a question I didn’t like … or ask. Questions are terrific and, in my opinion, more important than answers. Though, I will quickly add that the reason for the questions is to discover answers. My point being that without the question, you really don’t have a context. Questions always focus, though they often lead us to further questions.
However in the midst of our question(s) we need to look at how we express them. Do we ask, expecting an answer? Do we express the question in a manner that is: challenging, angry, demanding, wondering, musingly (akin to but different from wondering), ‘what if’, etc. And do we recognize the answer… especially if it isn’t what we want to hear? Do we allow the answer to be the end of the process or do we continue to discover the height, breadth, depth, etc. of whatever issue we are pursuing? If not… why?
I realize that I have discussed this issue in the past but it is important for us all to discover where questions fall in our learning priorities. My belief is that one of the biggest failings in education is that they have failed to help students learn how to ask questions. They appear to have the agenda to quash creativity, especially thinking outside the box, in favor of everyone knowing THE answer (according to the accepted current determination by The Authorities… whoever they are… yes, that was sarcasm). Process is lost in the midst of answer-giving rather than answer-discovering through asking questions.
From a different perspective and definitely more importantly, do you ask God questions? Do you seek His answers for your questions? Do you seek to learn and discover what’s important to Him? Do you use your understandings from your questions to lead you into a deeper appreciation of Who He is and what He does? The pastor recently challenged the congregation – When you ask God… ask BIG! Don’t settle for less that all that the Lord has for you. But it becomes difficult to walk in this until you begin your journey of asking, not demanding, His involvement with your answers.
Questions lead. Typically to other questions. But questions are the method to discover all the various answers and discover yours. Rarely is there only one answer. What do you want to know? What do you need to know? Who do you turn to for answers? The Lord is right there with you and invites you into the questions and answers that provide you with meaning and purpose for your life.