Trumping – can’t

  For every ‘can’t’ utter by you (or anyone else to you about you), when the Lord hears this about you… what do you hear? If He says you can, then regardless of circumstances – you really can. The world’s (including your own) is always trumped by His – You can! What do I mean by that? Don’t settle for less than your Best You. You can be and do all that He’s designed for you. It’s then up to you to Always bring your A game. 

  Is it an issue of trust? Do you not trust the Lord to do what He said He would do? What’s your experience in trusting Him? Do remember that sometimes you are in a season of preparation or waiting, but He never fails to answer us. Those answers form your basis of your willingness to try, to be a ‘can’ rather than a ‘can’t’. Rely on what God’s saying – trust, take the steps that you know are from the Lord, in His time and order. The Lord never ask us to do what we are incapable of doing. And He always equip us to do that which He is asking us to do. Then you will see your can’t’s turned into can’s.

  Why am I so certain? I could point to my life and see all His can’s that have guided me… when I let Him.  Remember that He said that He had come so that we could have life, and life abundantly (John 10:10). He also tells us that apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5) but as we abide in Him we can do all that is designed for us – and we can be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

  Perhaps the question is: what are you trusting God for? What do you see God doing in your life. And if you say He’s not then you’re not hearing or seeing because you are so important that He knows the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7). He loves us, He has done everything He could to restore us to Him (John 3:16-17) – and He left the decision of acting on this or not to us! Remember though, He doesn’t leave us alone – He has provided another Helper to be with us (John 14:16-17). 

  Looking at our lives, we can be a ‘can’ and confidently be all we can be and do all we are intended to do. Bravado or demanding is not part of the definition of confident. Can’t’s don’t need to trump us when we have the Lord’s ‘can’ doing the trumping.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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