Sooo… what does this mean for you? If you haven’t defined it … how will you recognize ‘it’? Is the real question – looking at your life, right now precisely where you are, are you who you thought you’d be and doing what you thought you’d be doing? If not… are you surprised? Disappointed? Rather pleased? Completely shocked? Whatever your reaction… what do you do with your reality you and your idealized you? I suspect the major question is: if there is a gigantic gap between the idealized and real – is it important, critical, what? But regardless, what do you want to do?
I read, on a plaque somewhere, “Dreams only work if you do.” The corollary to this is that accomplishing one’s hopes, desires, dreams is one more thing that isn’t dropped into our laps, we need to work to accomplish them. Are you willing to bridge your gap? Do you need to reassess your ideal and real? Who do you want to be and is it something you’ll take the time to become? Bottom line typically is: what are you willing to ‘pay’ to stay the same or to change? Are you important to/for you?
I also believe that Life is very, very serious. But it is also very, very funny. It is and should be both. When we don’t take the time to see the humor in our lives then it is more difficult to see the importance and seriousness that life is. Sometimes, when we take a moment and look at where we’ve come, where we are now as a comparison to where we were a year ago, 5 years ago, yesterday; do we see and understand the forces that we accepted, the adjustments we made to be where we are? Are you pleased with your journey? Do you need to make further refinements/adjustments? I believe that introspection and retrospection have an enormous opportunity for us to discover why we are where we are as well as what we want to do next.
As I said, Life is serious and we shouldn’t throw it away. It is also a responsibility… and an opportunity. It is growing and being and doing and deciding if this is who we are and want to be. It is scrapped knees and exhilarating accomplishments. It is the day-to-day and it is the discovery that unlocks what you need. But… you have to admit that Life! can be highly amusing. I sometimes find my answers in the strangest places and with the oddest assistants.
Life is so many things and I believe that we are here to enjoy them, to grow from them, to embrace life, to make mistakes, etc. etc. etc. We are always the one determining if we will live life or merely exist to survive. Apart from a relationship with the Lord, I don’t see that there is meaning and purpose in anything we do. For me, Life! …And all this means is based in who I am becoming and how I express me to others. Meaning in found in that relationship with the Lord to be His witness in my world.