For purposes of understanding, I’m defining/characterizing ‘just’ as: the mindset and behavior that does only the minimum; barely does what is expected; the attitude of not caring; spreads discontent knowingly and unaware. Why this is occurring is not necessarily known and understanding is rarely sought. Unhappily, the negative by-product can be pervasive in that it infects all those in association with the ‘carrier’. Sadly, positive growth and productivity will not be achieved for whoever and whatever is effected.
If you are the leader in this situation, then you need to address it with everyone as soon as you recognize it, because a ‘just’ attitude touches and spreads, infecting or affecting all who are involved. Often this malaise has a ‘reason’ that not only needs to be addressed, but also can be resolved. Those that have been infected don’t always realize this or know how to ‘fix’ it. ‘Just’ can become aggressive in its impact. Pussyfooting with this never works, you have to confront the behavior and underlying reasons. Resolution (in my world) is possible! Blame, pointing fingers rarely is an effective devise for change.
If you are the ‘carrier’ then you need an attitude check and quickly. Do you see that you are helping to create an environment of mediocrity? Do you care? Do you know why what is happening… is happening? Why are you in this funk? Are you willing to extricate yourself with or without assistance? In the beginning, did you like your work or was it only a job? Did you begin with a positive attitude and if so, what happened that changed for you? These questions really do need answers before you can move from where you are into a healthier environment.
I suspect most people have periods of ‘just’ but it doesn’t last long and doesn’t impact those you work and live with. It isn’t a particularly happy place for anyone but band aid-ing will never last. For the carriers – remember a time in which ‘just’ wasn’t your modus operandi, when you enjoyed and grew. Can this be created now? What are you willing to do to come to such an attitude? For the leaders – remember what the working milieu was when productivity and positive personal growth was occurring. What’s missing from that time?
Granted – conditions constantly change and this always impacts the milieu and subsequent reactions. However, what is the guiding desire by those who have control, influence, and authority to create? Is being a ‘just’ the only option, a kind of self-defense? No. You can always choose to be the best you, you can be in whatever situation you find yourself. Your attitude, Your willingness to Be determines what happens for you. You may not be able to influence everything or everyone, but you can do so with you. ‘Just’ is always your decision.