I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like, though I do have my armor on, that my shield and sword are in my hands but my hands are lying simply at my side. Ever feel that way? And, yes, the operative word is ‘feeling‘. But when we ignore our feelings or try and push them away or down, this never works. Our feelings ARE our feelings and attempts to distance ourselves from them is impossible to accomplish. Our focus should be in acknowledging them, whether they are fact or fancy, and then dealing with/resolving them. They won’t simply go away.
When I am in one of my moods that takes my eyes off of the goal, purpose then I really am compromised and ineffective – hate that. However, letting my shield and sword merely hang down is even worse – I open myself to other attacks (real and imaginary). Been there? Do you find yourself in these situations far more often than you thought? Do you ‘hope’ that everything will just go away? And… do you know how long these times last? Do you know what you do when you discover than you are not fulfilling who you are and what you are about?
I believe that I have discovered that we are always empowered, always have a helper who is with us… but sometimes we either simply forget that we are prepared. I also believe that not all these times can be attributed to our enemy, the devil, that sometimes we are his best weapon… against ourselves. Silly when you think about it, nevertheless we can be our own worse enemy. When we don’t act on who and what we’ve become (read again 2Corinthians 5:17-22) and that a Helper has been sent to be with us… then we are shooting ourselves in the foot.
Why believe a lie? ‘Can’t’ is an effective weapon in the arsenal against us that we or ‘others’ use. Who sezs? Isn’t God’s word far more effective against these attacks? Remember what Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil? He responded with – “It is written…” (Matthew 4). This can be our defense against whatever is telling us we aren’t or can’t or… Remember Romans 8:31-39), especially v. 37
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him
who loved us.”
That tells us that we are MORE than, read it again, MORE than conquerors. What do you need conquering – through Him, we are MORE. We are always prepared – it’s up to us to be ready. Get your armor on (Ephesians 6), make certain you have all the parts and they are shined. We are MORE…