They are not the same! I sometimes think we get the two mixed up and attribute a common definition for both to be the same. They’re not! What they do have in common is that both are actions… very obvious. Have you thought about them? Which do you see as your primary behavior? Confused? As a Christian I did mixed them up and then wondered about what was ‘right and proper’. Since the scripture does not and is not contradictory – what do I read that gives me a proper definition and understanding for each?
In my world of definitions, ‘judgmental’ is the worse of the two words because of the implication of judge, jury, and sentencing with a smattering of “guilty” before the ‘case’ even reaches the court. With those ideas and people we disagree with, often an out of hand determination (based on ‘feelings’ with no substantiation? or because of others’ words and opinions?). How do we act to determine if we are in disagreement, or merely a misunderstanding? And, where are the common grounds? And I do NOT mean compromising nor ‘inclusion’ for the sake of including. is there any common ground for discussion (iron sharpening iron – Proverbs 27:17) or understanding? We need to discover whether we are using different words but the definitions are the same… or the same words with different definitions… And ‘no’, sometimes there isn’t. Point is, what is our ‘proper’ response?
From one perspective, Paul talks about being all things to all men in order that he might save some (1Corinthians 9: 19-23). But that did not mean disavowing Who he believed nor what he believed – this is not compromise. Perhaps one question might be – who are we ‘judging’? The other person – their words and/or actions? Ourselves – especially in our reactions? Is that other person a Christian or an unbeliever; and how do we ‘judge’ discriminate between right and wrong?
Obviously, there are great many considerations when we judge. And when we act on our judgments – do we judge or do we act judgmental?
We are told to ‘judge not’ and to ‘judge ourselves’ – contradictory? No. Confusing at times – yes. When you do a study about judging, we discover a basis on which we should judge. There are scriptures that focus on how we should judge, who we should judge, and how we should act. The first person we need to judge is ourselves. Example: in 1 Corinthians 11:31-32 Paul says:
“For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But
when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may
not be condemned with the world.”
There are numerous scriptures that talk about judging: John 7:24, 12:47-48, Romans 2:3, 2Timothy 4:1, James 4:11 are only a few. When you do a word study on judging – most of it is in relation to yourself. But it does relate to the fellowship of believers. However, I have yet to read a scripture that tells us to be judgmental. These are not the same concepts. But is this our behavior? Hopefully not.