2Chronicles 16:9
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole
earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart
is loyal to Him.”
I’ve always liked this scripture. Then again, I would classify myself as a candidate for the Lord’s strength. This isn’t a crisis cry on our part, I think it’s more of a state, a status one enters into. Personally, I find my need for the Lord’s help and hand to be a daily need, not an occasional one. Therefore, realizing that the Lord said his eyes are roaming the whole earth to demonstrate His strength on our behalf speaks volumes and also provides comfort.
This verse is letting us know that He isn’t waiting for our cry of ‘Help!’, but He is actively engaged in watching over us so that He is our ‘ever present help in time of need’ (Psalm 46:1). It also tells us the condition – to those whose heart is loyal to Him. Does this describe you, me? Are our hearts loyal to Him? Do we demonstrate this in our lives? Would others know that our loyalty lies with the Lord? It really isn’t the most effective demonstration of loyalty when it is a ‘foxhole promise’ to Him.
Obviously He knows our hearts. He is aware of what we do. I believe that this verse is aimed at us – at our knowing that our hearts are loyal to Him. Can we truly say we are loyal? If so, then how do we know? Are we ‘fair weather’ Christians – when it doesn’t require anything from us. Or ‘Sunday’ Christians -only at service with fellow Christians, but out in the world we act and speak differently? How do you define, describe, and act loyal?
I’m not pointing fingers, I’m asking hard questions of us all. We expect a great deal from the Lord and His hand in our lives. He really asks little of us, but do we even do the little? Granted, loyalty isn’t a little thing, but we are talking about who we are as Christians – and that isn’t a little thing either. If we define and describe ourselves as Christians when we are talking with the Lord, or fellowshipping with other Christians… then shouldn’t we also be loyal to this designation when we are in the world? You are watched by non-believers and they define ‘Christian’ by what they see in you. Acting, speaking, being loyal is never a little thing.