Been there? I know I have… frequently at work, and definitely with myself. This is also a prime time when I say or do the ‘wrong’ thing – at least at the wrong time and often to the wrong person. These are very powerful and negative forces. I don’t always exercise my self-control or remember all the encouraging scriptures. This is rarely a shining moment for me.
So, what to do? Lashing out typically results in my need to apologize. Besides… sometimes you don’t know the source of your hurt/disappointment/frustration. Hitting myself for being gullible or trusting or (fill in the blank) only results in pain – mine. Never effective. One really can’t hold a grudge or attempt to get even (whatever that means since you typically end up on the short end of the stick… not your intended desire) or be less than Whose you are. Perhaps it’s this last point, realization that needs to govern what you do and say.?
There’s an oft spoken scripture that is used – “Vengeance is mine says the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19) However, many of these instances are not vengeance issues. Besides, we really can’t sic God. And even if we could, what about those times that we are wrong and the target is innocent? Why is retribution our first thought? Is there a different mindset, approach?
Of course. There is an old saying that there are those, for whatever reason, will always find you at fault. And there are those, whatever your words/actions, will always grant mercy. Personally, I need mercy far more often than I need ‘justice’. If I need mercy then I need to extend that to those who cause me hurt/disappointment/frustration… including myself.
The greatest impediments to resolution and restoration can be the size of the hurt/disappointment/frustration. Do we allow them to grow to mountains of obstacles or see them as the momentary pebbles in our way? If the former then moving on will be extraordinarily difficult. If the latter, then we can forgive, grant mercy, and move on. This decision is ALWAYS in our control.