con-sci en tious. Do you think this word describes the person you are? Do you consciously act this way? Webster defines the word: “…governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience: scrupulous…” Some of the adjectives used to define this word are: upright, honest, just, scrupulous, etc. However, it’s just as important to understand how the descriptive word are defined.
“Honorable means having or showing a strict regard for what is
morally right. Upright implies a strict adherence to moral principles.
Honest stresses adherence to such virtues as truthfulness, candor,
fairness. Just stresses conscious choice and regular practice of what
is right or equitable.”
With those adjectives defining and describing the word, conscientious, does this define and describe you? Would you want to be know as conscientious?
Obviously, this is not a word that can be bandied about nor is the meaning obtrusive – it is a generally recognized universal definition. So, knowing what the implications of this word mean and how, if applied to who you are, defines a strong standard. Does it mean you always live up to this? Absolutely… at least consciously, though we all slip occasionally and need to acknowledge this and begin anew.
Still the question – would you accept the challenges and ‘restrictions’ to be a conscientious person? Why… and why not? This is not something to be entered into lightly or without conviction. Perhaps a way to deciding is to look at a person you consider to be conscientious. What sets them apart? Do they seem to be striving to act this way or is it simply part of who they are? Do you see any differences in how you act v. how they do? Do you see how their words and actions are viewed by others? Your experience the same?
Those are only a few of the issues that need to be understood prior to becoming a person that is deemed to be conscientious. And the definitions aren’t negotiable. This is who a conscientious person is, what they do, and how they go about doing it. For me, conscientious and integrous (my word) are two characteristics worthy of pursuing. Quite honestly… they are the pearls that scripture talks about.