Don’t you just love birthdays! I think they are terrific because they heralded your entry into this life. Birthdays should ALWAYS be celebrated… and on the day of the birth – not 2 weeks early, or combined with someone else who has the same day or one close to it, or three days late – on THE day. Personally, I never work on my birthday and if I’m the only one celebrating my event… I do!
Perhaps my parents were surprised at my early arrival (2 weeks) but God wasn’t. Whether ‘your date’ was early, late, or on time; and whether you were a boy or a girl – probably the only one not surprised was the Lord. And whether or not you realize it, heaven did rejoice when you were born and great love was poured out upon you. What you did with this is your determination – you are created in God’s image… but not as a mindless robot.
Everyone is born with ‘potential’ – what we do or don’t do with this our potential becomes our legacy, our epitaph, our ‘mark’ on who we are and what we did. Life is an extremely special gift and we should never assume or presume on this. Which is why I think one’s birthday should be celebrated. The gift of life was given to us and we can celebrate this gift by how we live our lives. We. How we live our lives.
Additionally, yes, we are all born with a gift from the Father. And we are born with the potentiality of fulfilling and living the gift. We may find others with some of the same potentiality, but each person’s is special unto themselves. And yes, life isn’t always kind or easy and often others do appear to have it easier – not the point. What YOU do with what you have and how this influences who you become is the point. The scripture in Jeremiah when God tells him that He has planned for a hope and a future is the foundation. Birthdays remind us of our gifts and what we are doing with them.
When birthdays get lost in the shuffle of every day life then we really do diminish the importance. I hope you don’t take your or others’ birthdays for granted. Birthdays are really ‘no little thing’.