Miracles still happen

  It depends on whether we have eyes that see and hearts that understand. There are so many miracles that happen all around us – some we are privileged to see, some we are totally unaware of or don’t see that ‘it’ falls into the miracle category. Examples: a sunset of incredible hues, the birth of a new creature into this world – whether this is human or animal, the inexpressible joy when someone accepts the Lord, flowers, a hand of love on another’s face… and I could go one because miracles are happening all around us when we see.

  If you say you don’t see any miracles in your life. Then, my reply is, what are you looking at and looking for? Can you see the small steps toward accomplishing whatever you need/want as a form of miracle? Miracles don’t have to be against all odds, they can be the quiet and gentle actions that demonstrate the power of miracles in people’s lives. Then again… are you a miracle giver or a miracle want-er? Do you see the miracles that have and are occurring in your life? Does miracle have to come with the definition of stupendous?

  Those who are givers to others seem to tend to experience more miracles in their lives – but not a give to get mentality, the ‘cheerful giver’ behavior. 

     “Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has 
      decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God 
      loves a cheerful giver.” (2Corinthians 9:7)

When you give grudgingly your eyes are not open to the wonders of your gift and how it blesses others. Actually, the grudging giver robs themselves which is incredibly sad.

  The greatest gift to mankind occurred over 2000 years ago with the birth of Jesus: His life, becoming our sacrificial lamb, His resurrection. In His wake miracles occurred but He also left us with the joy of spreading His gifts and miracles to others. Remember, your life is an example of a miracle. When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you entered the world of miracles – receiving them as well as imparting to others. Oh yes, miracles still happen.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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