New and Continuing

  On December 31st we come to the end of one ‘season’, 2016, and look to the start of a new beginning – 2017. Any unfinished ‘business’ needing attention? Do you feel you were successful in attaining your 2016 goals? Do you have 2017 goals with their objectives and timelines in mind? If you are similar to most of us, the answer is a kind of vague non-response. However… you should give some thought to your answers. 
  I would suggest that the most important consideration is your relationship with the Lord – who do you want to Be and how has your relationship grown? Can you look back on 2016 and see the growth in depth in your relationship? Or… Sadly, I suspect that our relationship with the Lord is not high on our priority list, what we always do and do first. But we can always choose to change this rather cavalier approach to our most important relationship. Depth, growth, continuing, active should be some of the adjectives that characterize our relationship.

  No finger pointing – but I believe how we determine and act on our relationship with the Lord is the single most important decision we make. Granted, we slip, fall, or scrape our knees but do we then get back up and resolve to continue? Continuing in the development in relationship then becomes the second most important decision we make, because it is always inevitable that there will be challenges to this.

  Whatever you decide is your decision and no one has the right to imply that you aren’t ‘doing enough’ (I always ask – according to whose standards?). My point at the start of 2017 is simply to offer this as a decision for you to include in determining who you are becoming. But never choose to be less than what your destiny can be.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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