Jesus came…why?!

     “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being
     in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
     but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond servant
     … and was made in the likeness of man…” (Philippians 2:5-8)

  That’s the point. Jesus came. Have you ever asked yourself why?! Why did He willingly set aside His princely position and did not despise becoming man? Knowing what would happen, that He would be rejected and despised, He willingly chose to be our way back into fellowship with the Father. Incredible. But I also don’t believe we have an inkling of an understanding about what He did and how it would affect our opportunity. Salvation is ALWAYS a choice. To me, the next step, Relationship, is available but it is a ‘joint venture’.   

 Early in my walk and growing in the Lord, I discovered the verse in scripture uttered by Jesus as to why He came. Specifically, Mathew 9:12, Mark 2:17, and Luke 5:31 all relate Jesus’ words about healing and when He healed when He was challenged. But, it is Luke 19:10 that is the most powerful statement about why He came – to seek and save the lost. For us – for all of us. He came to provide us a way back into relationship and the only way He could accomplish this was to set aside His standing and become as man. 

  Seek/Save the lost is also a part of what we do once we become part of His army, part of the Family of God. This is never an exclusive ‘club’ – there is only one litmus test: accepting Jesus for who He was, why He came, and what He continues to do. Our role is to share this and how this has affected our lives. Our personal story is shared in a variety of ways, but the most powerful in my opinion is our actions. How we show how this affects us in our day-to-day lives will make the most powerful statement that this is not words only.

  One of the reasons I’ve begun to believe that explains part of the ‘why’ Jesus came is in the ‘next step’ category. He came to model for us the ways in which we can touch lives. His main role was to provide the spotless lamb to atone for the sins committed but in this process He also gave us words and behaviors that we can share with others. He called Himself the ‘first born’. This implies that there are also second born which includes us. He made room for us in His Father’s house/family. And now we become His hands to others. What an honor awaits us with this understanding.


Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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