Live Simply

    ‘Live simply’ was a catch-phrase that seemed to be the current fad, a few years ago. Not certain it still is. However, no one ever bothered to define or describe what this means. It sounds good on the surface. But… who sets the standard for what this means? Do these questions make us want to give up on this possibility? Is living simply a ‘good’ idea/plan… or just meaningless words?

  For many, I discovered that the phrase meant to downsize – another definition-less word, though mostly the area was ‘things’. For others it meant to divest themselves of all the activities that dominated what little free time they had – regardless of the value. There were also those who responded with an, ‘easy for you to say, I’ve got these (responsibilities, bills, family, etc.) that have to be attended to’. There are countless individualized definitions – and that, is what it should be. Your ‘live simply’ may seem inordinately complex to me and mine may seem too surface for you. The phrase needs individualizing for it to become a real part of our living our lives.

  The beginning has to be – do we think/feel/know we need to simplify our lives? This answer will move us into what this means for us. Do we need simplification in how our time is spent? How our money is spent? How our resources and energy are spent? What we do with our ‘free time’? Which parts need restructuring? Is it responsibilities? Are there certain areas that can be addressed easier? Is it … Actually, it seems that we can drown in all the questions and never get to the core of living simply according to what we want in and for our lives.

  Living simply may turn out to be a lifestyle… or a mindset… a goal… a plan… a focus… a way of interacting with the world you live in. Quite honestly, I believe that it is a mindset check to see if what we are doing is what we want to be doing; if it is a path to a deeper and fruitful life. Unless your life is one that is full of what brings meaning to your life, you will always live a fitful life. Adding (fill in the blank), though seemingly ironic, when what you add is the flavor or spice to your life may lead you to living a simple and effective life. This is what I would consider living simply. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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