Final Word

  Do you have to have the last word? On everything? Are you the ultimate authority? If you aren’t infallible, then why the need to always have the last word? Is this, final word, a kissing cousin to always being right? Not an easy ‘crown’ to wear and typically self-determined (inflicted?). And no, that wasn’t said tongue-in-cheek. However, the definition of ‘right’ is critical. How do you define the word? What is your standard based on? Those two questions form the foundation of always being right and/or having the last (authoritative) word.

  Perhaps the question should be – are you teachable? Do you consider yourself a student? If you don’t then you really are stuck in what you know and you stop yourself from learning what is new. Always remember that you are responsible for what you know but new learnings are what provide the flavor, and often the spice, to living. Without a lifelong learning approach to life, I’m not certain that you stay relevant… even for yourself.

  Of course we want to think that we ‘know’ whatever it is… but how do we know we know? Unless you are willing to accept questions on what you know and how you got there, how can you ‘defend’ yourself. For some people, they simply want to understand how you came to your understandings – they really aren’t challenging, they are wanting to know, to understand. And yes, some simply want to challenge. But, do you have to rise to this? Where is your level of confidence in your own understandings? If you dare to look at life and people’s questions as opportunities to refine what you know, then you will constantly need to have the last word – regardless of its efficacy. 

  There is a slight caveat, condition to this. If what you are talking about is spiritual, then carnal answers are rarely sufficient or even ‘correct’ – spiritual definitions to spiritual issues, not carnal definitions. And where you find those definitions, knowledge, understanding is in scripture. This forces us to all consider how we accept/view the Bible. Literal? As the Word of God given us by those who were inspired by God to write and eventually collect these writings into the Scriptures. If you are looking for the Final Word – we have it. Accepting scripture as the final authority, divinely inspired is a yes or no decision. You can’t accept some of the writing and redefine or reject other parts. So…what is your Final Word?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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