Meaning and Value

  Yes, I do write about these two words often… in some fashion. I do so because of my strong conviction and belief that they are incredibly important in our lives. Meaning and value tell us that we have a purpose in life – that we, our lives, make a difference… or, at least we have that potential. It truly is up to us – to act or not. And I’m not talking about any quest for fame or fortune, accomplishments, or anything that’s ‘external’ to WHO we are and how we go about being us. I’m talking about the essential and eternal issues.

  You may not define or even describe the words in the same manner I do, not important. What is important is that you understand both your definitions and mine so that you can see where they converge and diverge and how this expands understandings. Out to convince you? Probably. But not necessarily of the definitions so much as the underlying essence of the words. If you do not consider that meaning and value are the attributes that describe and define who we are, what we do, and how we go about doing that… then what would your words (and definitions) be that would give your life purpose? Surely you don’t simply go through the day…

  Others interaction – compliments, criticism, or correction – with our understanding of ourselves in relation to meaning and value is only as a form of confirmation and/or refinement. It all has to start with us. If we don’t see any meaning/value then what others would say wouldn’t have much bearing on how we ‘interact’ with those concepts. So, back to the initial inquiry – do you know what gives your life meaning and value? Do you see it ‘played out’ in your daily life and interactions? If not… does it make any difference to you. And, if not – why? Why would you not seek to enhance your life?

  Haven’t really defined or described the two words… necessary? Intuitively we know if we are living a life of meaning and value. Instinctively we know if (fill in the blank) contributes, detracts, or has no affect on these words. But how often do we see that the majority of our time/effort/resources are involved in those activities that don’t fulfill our definitions? Do we continue in them … because … need, familiarity, weariness, (fill in the blank) is all we can see? I hope that this sense of hopelessness isn’t yours. That at some point you decide that there IS more. That Solomon’s futilities isn’t your path nor destiny.

  If you find yourself in the morass of stagnation or the desert of dryness and you thirst for the cool waters of refreshment… there is the obvious answer. Your hope, your life, your answers can be found in the One who has the understanding, who will walk with you into light and purpose. Jesus is the only answer and He is waiting for you, each of us. If you have accepted His Lordship then all you need do is to ask what the next step should be and He will guide you. Develop a listening heart to hear and know. They do lead to meaning and value.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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