They (defining moment(s)) really are fantastic! Defining moments are not only emotional – they involve the entire person – spirit, soul, and sometimes body. Whether the situation was positive or negative, the lessons available to be learned are those that stay with us … forever. Definition: defining moment(s) are those times that significantly impact who we are, what we do, how we go about being us. These are the times that are always remembered – in fact, sometimes we can remember the little things as well: what we wore, the season, the smells, the sights, the… Vividly remembered. And yes, this does go for the bad as well as the good times.
Examples? When you accepted the Lord. When you found the person you wanted to marry, start a family, and be with through the thick and thin times. When you made a work related discovery that proved to be a new process. When you were in the pits of despair over (fill in the blank) and how you extricated yourself. When a planned for advancement tanked and you were left at your current level. The examples can go on and on – but these give a context to what I mean by defining moment(s). These are the times that are indelibly etched into our memories and our how we reacted/responded/resolved (fill in the blank) that came to be part of our set of actions.
There are also defining moments spiritually – these are really of the greatest significance. It is always the essential and eternal that makes the most significant and long-lasting impact, influence on us and how we go about being us. Do you remember yours? Can you see how these times have come to help determine what you believe and how you express this? It could be a word of encouragement that suddenly became a moment of realization of (fill in the blank) that started you in a new direction or confirmed where you were heading next.
Defining moment(s) can be sparked by something you read or by words from others or in your own prayer time. The latter, for me, has come to be very special in my day because in talking with the Lord, He has given me wonderful ideas to share in my writing. These words may have not brought new options or avenues to explore – but never despise the times of small beginnings. An ‘everyone knows’ moment, if it is new for you, is new. We may all learn the same lessons, but rarely at the same time, with the same depth, or with the same level of significance. Besides, I do believe in the ‘line upon line’ thinking – we expand our depth of understanding as we express what we know and listen to what others know. There is always, for me, a sense of joy in discovering those truths that I can now share my level of understanding and hear where you are and how you’ve learned what you added to your personal MO.
As long as you are a student. As long as you decide on a learners lifestyle you will always be open to discovering defining moment(s). It is an amazing way to live one’s life.