You – are a chosen person. Did you realize you are? 

     “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
      His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him
      who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1Peter 2:9)

Do know, though, that you have to accept being chosen – choose to be chosen. Not logical? Of course it is. The Father has chosen to give mankind free will, therefore, with our choosing we have to accept the responsibility of whatever our decision is. And that is the rub. Plus, choosing requires that we act on this status. What are you chosen for and how do you respond – what’s your responsibility?

Sometimes we don’t really ‘like’ our choice – now what? Is it a changeable choice or … Yes, it depends on the ‘object’ of our choice. But never carry relativism to places it really isn’t designed to go. Also, one must deal with the reality that if we make whatever the choice we do, then we have to ‘sleep’ in/with it. No one is free from their choices, you really can’t call a ‘mulligan’. You, must accept your responsibilities for your decisions. Simultaneously, you don’t have to wallow in wrong decisions/choices. You can change, it’s just not that you are free from the ramifications of the initial choice. The change simply stops the direction of your choice and allows you to move on in a new direction.

The Spiritual ramifications are enormous, at least in my thinking, when the decision, the choice is – who we follow. Example: If you choose to follow the Lord then simultaneously you choose not to follow the devil – it really is one or the other choice. No one is on the fence when it comes to this choice and you can’t choose to not choose. Yes – those are my definitions, but I believe they are both logical and scriptural. 

Assuming you choose the Lord – then look at what you’ve chosen to be/become. A royal priesthood, holy nation, the Lord’s special people. What a destiny. It is worth all that I have/would have to become the result of choosing to be chosen by the Lord. The remarkable truth is that this is available to all who choose the Lord – no one is ever denied or cast away (John 6:37). You can’t earn this, you can’t buy it and yet it is the treasure given to us. 

Our response? To give Him all the praise and share Him with all because you never know the impact your words and behaviors say to others. Some of us plant, some water, and some reap – but as His special people we all work toward the same goal: sharing His light, so that others can learn of Him and come to a saving knowledge. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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