This is different for each of us. And it rarely is a one and done. Many of us also rarely learn and apply those learnings from how we handled the last dark time to the one we are experiencing. Though each dark time has its own dynamics, extricating does have some similarities. Fault-finding is never a method to move out of darkness. Sometimes ‘events conspire’ to cause darkness so ‘fault’ is draining and rarely provides us with answers. What do you do?
Recently, a message by the Pastor in my church got me to thinking and analyzing ‘dark hour’. This is different from a desert time, but carries some of the same anguish and pain. The message made me look at what I do when I face dark hours, because there’s never only one (my bias), though the degree of ‘dark’ varies. However, dark is dark. Point being, if this is a time of darkness, what do you do?
As unproductive as this may initially seem, the first step is to turn to the Lord. Logically, this is not only the best step for healing to occur, I believe it has to be the first step. Why? Look at how the Lord has demonstrated in your life Who He is and What He does. Example: He has told us He would never leave us (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5), so you are not alone. You don’t have to solve your what, why of dark by yourself because you have One who has all your answers. For me, knowing that I have the Lord with me lessens the additional dilemma of feeling that you are completely alone.
Another example is that in every situation He provides a way through (1Corinthians 10:13). Granted this verse is talking about providing a way through when we are tempted. My thinking is that if God will do this in these types of situations, He certainly won’t leave us in darkness but will also help us through. How? Again paraphrasing the message – the Lord sustains us by/through:
1. His body (the church). Especially in hard times we need the other members where we fellowship to help (Galatians 6:2). Referring to scripture’s teaching (1Corinthians 12), each of us has a gift to uplift the body. And as you give of your gifting you help the body grow. We each help one another through the bad or difficult times and join in the celebration during the good times.
2. His Presence (to sustain us) – the Holy Spirit. I suspect many don’t know how to relate to the Holy Spirit. Again scripture helps us in that Jesus told us that if He went that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to aid us. But what does this mean? When you look at the work the Holy Spirit performs in our lives, we see that He has 7 primary roles: Advocate, Comforter, Standby, Intercessor, Counselor, Helper, Strengthener (John 14:26 Amplified Bible). For me, this often is expressed in teaching. The Holy Spirit has been sent to bring us into all truth.
These two examples only scratch the surface of what is prepared for us as we go through dark times. We were never meant to go it alone. There is nothing that the Lord isn’t aware of so our ‘task’ is to turn to Him, especially in times of frustration or confusion or any other negative in our lives and let Him bring us through and set our feet firmly on the path we are meant to walk. Hold on to Psalm 30:5 – “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Your morning will come regardless of your darkest hour… as you turn to your source – the Lord and walk in the strength of joy – knowing that in His Presence is fullness of joy.