everything and everyone else BUT you! Is that how you feel? When you look at your life and the people, activities, and ‘things’ that populate your life… is it never about you and always about ‘them/it’? First – it doesn’t matter if this is true or not if this is how you feel. Second – who said it was all about you in the first place!? OK – you want to share the ‘all about’ so some of it meets your needs or wants? Sometimes, sadly, it never works out that way.
Point. Is the reality that your life is unchangeable? Can you do something to make some changes. Also remember that there are those, for whatever reason, choose to focus sufficient attention on themselves through all sorts of words and behaviors rather than look beyond their own immediate wants. Do remember, you don’t really change others, they choose, which means that if the situation doesn’t change, the only one you can change is you and your attitude and reactions.
So… you are living in this never about you world of yours. What can, will you do? You really have a number of options. Some people resort to passive aggressive behaviors to ‘get their way’. It does seem to work… for awhile. But the toll it takes on the person and relationships is exhausting and destructive. It really isn’t worth the effort. You can deny your own needs and wants which will only lead to further suppressed anger or sadness. Heavy price. Leave the situation? Possible? Best response? Probably no to all those questions.
Somewhat ironic, to resolve this situation you have to start with you. What do you truly want… and why? What are you looking for from others that would satisfy whatever it is you need? You do have to have answers to these questions before you go further because without your answers you can never really understand what you really believe and need – nor will you recognize your answer when it presents itself.
A somewhat corollary example: you can never make someone else love you. But that doesn’t mean you should stop loving them. Perhaps you’ll never see a reciprocation but don’t deny your own feelings, though you may need to find a different expression. Also, don’t live in this situation alone. The Lord is with you always and His love is wide and deep and consistent a reality. Remember, He chose to love you first (Ephesians 2:1-5) without any expectation that you would choose to love Him. 1John 4:19 tells us that He loved us first and with this gave us a model of how we can love.
I would suggest that it is all about you, and how you respond – an outstretched hand willfully offered or a hand with a different agenda. How you respond will make a difference… for you.