The problem isn’t always knowing what to do but doing what you know needs to be done. We don’t always choose to do what we know we should and doing is always a choice. Then again… so is knowing. You can’t deny or ignore what you know. If you know then you can’t choose to unknow. But, you can choose to not act on what you know – doing is always a choice. And yes, I know I’ve said this countless times in countless ways… but sometimes we need reminding.

Why not act on what we know? Because of our perception on the ramifications. Perhaps we aren’t all people-pleasers but we also don’t always enjoy the results of our behavior. Again, you can’t disown or ignore your own behavior – it is an is, regardless of how you act. This is also applicable to our words – once said, we can’t deny them. We can try and mitigate what was said or attempt to further explain, but if spoken then they are ‘out there’. 

So, in the final analysis is it a question of our responsibility for our words and actions? Do you remember the scripture that tells us that we will give an accounting for our words – Matthew 12:36? However, this goes even deeper, begin at verse 34:

     “…For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. … I tell 
      you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless
      word they speak, for by your words you will be justifies, and by your
      words you will be condemned.”

This is incredibly sobering! It begins with what’s in our hearts which speaks of our motives. ‘Careless’ words? Are you aware of the implications of what you say? Do you bring love and hope in truth?

And, if our words are that significant, think of the tremendous impact our actions bring! Yes, you do live in a fishbowl in the world you live. I seriously doubt anyone is truly invisible (unless they are a hermit and have no interaction with others). Your level of influence may be ‘small’ but no one is without being seen. Thus all of our ‘doing’ is visible, even our non-doing. So you need to act according to how the Lord leads you: confident not arrogant, purposed not purposeless knowing that you can … if you choose.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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