Is this what you’re waiting to hear? The ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m sorry’ that perhaps should be said but never is. Do you try and ‘prod’ them into saying the words (overtly or subtly) but still the words go unspoken? Did you do, whatever you did that you would like to hear the unspoken words… freely? unsolicited? without the realization of your sacrifice?
Actually, do you know what need of yours is motivating your need/desire for the unspoken words? Now what? Will you cross the person(s) off your list of those you will extend your (fill in the blank)? Will you do the passive aggressive thing to let them know they are not in your good graces? There are other options to your choice of subsequent interactions… what are yours?
Let me ask a different question – have you ever been on the receiving end of this situation – you didn’t say the words? How did you know you erred? What did you do next? Ignore? Try to make amends? Apologize? Do ‘something (?)’ to let the person know they were appreciated? Again… many options available. My point is that we all want the unspoken words and we all forget to provide these words to others. Can we change? Do we want to?
In terms of the unspoken words… have you done this to the Lord? Ahhhh… And how has He reacted? Did He disinherit you? Stop talking to you? ‘Spank’ you? No, He continued to love you, to help you be your best… without any expectation from you. Admittedly, I’m a proponent of acting – of demonstrating, but words are always important. And when it comes to those unspoken words of appreciation, of thanks – people need to hear them. Not false or merely flattering words – genuine. Especially people really do need to hear our words of apology… don’t you?
Again… what do you do when it comes to the Lord. Yes, He was there when it happen. Yes, He knows all so He knows you are sorry or do appreciate – but isn’t it also important for us to speak those words to Him?