There is no way to be completely complete until you get home. And there’s no way to get home until you accept Jesus as your Lord. You have to receive His love, Who He is, what He’s done and is continuing to do which is given to you unreservedly and without hesitation. I have the feeling that the Lord wants us saved even more than we do. Why? Because then He can work with us to grow us up. He has such terrific plans for us which really is our decision to accept or not. But it all begins with our acceptance, our choice to make Him our own personal Lord.
Could be wrong, but I think there is a big hole in all of us that can only be filled by someone (not thing) that is bigger and more than us. We each have the choice to accept Jesus as Lord or to accept someone else (the devil). Things never fill the hole – no matter how much money or success or fame or whatever you strive after will ever fill the empty place. I also believe that ultimately it is an either/or choice – it is God or it is the devil. And if it isn’t Jesus, it is the devil. Scripture tells us that no one can serve two masters… but I do believe we all do serve one. No one can live on the fence.
However, never assume that being born again is the end of the matter. It isn’t. Now the real battle begins for who we are. The devil may not have stopped us from accepting Jesus as Lord, but he will do everything and anything in his limited power to make us ineffectual. His level of success is always based, in my opinion, on our relationship with the Lord. If we keep the Lord at a distance, don’t grow, don’t assume our part in the family then we are vastly limited in our own effectiveness.
In many respects I think our life is a training lab for our full life when the Lord comes again. Proof? I really am not sure I have any other than why would the Lord spend so much time on our growth if it didn’t have use for us now and in the future? Why spend so much time on who we are becoming if He didn’t plan on our involvement later? Life is a precious gift and we are meant to live is fully but it isn’t the end either.
“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know
in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”
(ICorinthians 13:12)
When we go home…