What you bring…

I know I focus on the fact that there’s very little of significance, worth that we can accomplish through our own efforts. The corollary to this is why would we want to go it alone when we have One who is able and delighted to help us? Yes? The primary purpose the Holy Spirit has is to help us – read again Jesus’ words about the Holy Spirit and what He does (John 14:16). So why not turn to Him for help? 

We sometimes consider what we do bring and view it as so little or question its ‘necessity’. I suppose that strictly speaking it isn’t necessary except for reality that God’s choice was to give His creation to man to oversee. He still does. In this process of becoming your best, never forget what it is you bring. You are the primary actor. God chose to work through us, with us; though He is more than able to accomplish (fill in the blank) on His own. Therefore, you are a critical part of the process. So what is it you bring? You bring – commitment, self-control, purposing and intentionality. Those are your foundations though there are other behaviors and mindsets you bring. 

Also, never forget that you are a work in progress. One doesn’t wake up one day knowing all, unless you are in heaven. To a greater or lesser degree we all slip, sin, make bad decisions, etc. but we all have the choice to start again – seek forgiveness and grow. It is always our choice to continue or not. I believe we never really ‘make it’, we all continue until the ultimate call to come home. But, as I have said numerous times, I believe that this life is a training ground, a learning laboratory. This in no way diminishes the abundance, joy, learning, positive successes, etc. that occur as you live your life. Life is a gift we are given. What we do with it is our gift back to the Father.

Bottom line: what you bring is you. And that’s what is needed and wanted. As you willingly come and use your commitment, self-control, purpose, and intentionally become all that you are and do and continue to grow to be and do, is what you bring. Your faith is your strong defense in times of stress. Your love is your strong defense in times of doubt and fear. You. That’s what you bring – you – no small thing.

[Part of this post was also included in my monthly article in the church’s newsletter.]

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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