
What an incredible word. Do you know what it means? How? If you answered that you just knew, that it’s a pervasive feeling of… of … well-being. And now you begin to list all of the adjectives that describe the feeling. Understandable. Peace is more easily described as a feeling. But it really is so much more. Peace is described by your definition. It may be the same as the next person… or not. The point is – know yours so that you can experience it and recognize it when you are in a peaceful state.

Webster defines the word as, “…a state of tranquility or quiet”. That begins the definition but doesn’t capture all of the essence. Webster goes on to describe this state as: “… freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions… harmony in personal relations… a state of concord.” Freedom, harmony, concord…regardless, calm seems to be the predominant state. In our high paced, stressful lives, this is definitely to be prized.

For most of us, the period of time that can be characterized as peaceful is usually quite short which typically only enhances our desire for it. Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you had a moment’s peace? Silly question? I don’t think so. Since peace is a prize, desired – when we are experiencing it – what do we do in it?

All that said… for me, peace is always an internal state of being that can occur regardless of what is occurring around me. Admittedly, when what’s around me is not stress driven or chaotic, it’s far easier and longer. Since I believe that peace is also a restorative, I attempt to find that place each day for at least a few moments. Peace is a high priority in my life so I tend to make certain I find that special place and time.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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