is what we need to know – what our next step should be. It isn’t that we need to know the end from the beginning… just that next step. If we seem to be standing still… are we? Is there a perfectly good explanation for why we are? And, how long have we been rooted to the spot?
It could be that we are in a time of ‘renewal’, taking inventory of where we’ve been, what resources we have, what we need, and when this in-between-time will end. If we are rushing, then this is typically a warning that we need to stop and double check what’s happening. Rushing is very rarely the most effective and efficient mode of behavior. In scripture, did you ever read of Jesus rushing? You may have read that He was purposed in where He was going and what He was doing. But rushing – not. What is it we think we will accomplish by rushing? Most of the time this is the time when people and things get lost in the hurrying.
The next step does not have to be the entire picture, though we sometimes feel we need to know the end from wherever we are. Not necessarily so. Though I don’t always succeed, I’ve learned that the most important thing I can do is to focus on the next step… only! This goes contrary to my nature of planning and determining possible options. I always seem to be involved with planning which I always believe gives me opportunities to ‘color outside the lines’ into the world of ‘what ifs’. If I’m planning on the fly, then looking at other opportunities seem less. However, sometimes in the midst of our plans we seem to be asked to set them aside and … follow.
Regardless, do you know your operating style? Can you live with only knowing the current step and the direction you are heading? It really speaks to our level of trust – partially in the Lord but basically in our own ability to distinguish where we are headed, that we are hearing correctly. You do realize that you don’t live in cement… yes? You do realize that, perhaps inadvertently, you don’t always discern correctly? You do realize that the Lord doesn’t make mistakes and as you turn to Him, He will lead you according to what really is best for you?
Trust. Huge word. But if you are doing what you believe you are suppose to do then when you are incorrect, you will be gently redirected. We are never left to languish – never. However… never ignore that small check in your spirit. It will lead you when you let it. Since we do see in a mirror dimly (1Corinthians 13:12), we can continue not always knowing but still taking that next step.