Walking out our understanding

Consciously, deliberately or not we all are witnesses of what we believe, who we believe, and the supporting evidence on which we base our believing. We do this through our words but especially by our actions. How many times and in how many ways have I said this? Right. And it is true that our actions speak louder than our words… but they also speak to the level of trust and the depth of our convictions. 

Knowing and walking isn’t always simpatico and not always in evidence. I firmly believe that we are responsible for what we know and that our actions should ‘speak’ our knowing… so why isn’t there a congruence? Do we truly not understand what we know? Or is it we don’t want to accept the responsibility for what we know? Or think we can’t act, walk out our knowing and understanding? If we believe it… do we believe we can be/do it?

There can be many reasons there may not be a follow through of walking out our understanding (based in our knowing). But it seems that at some point we all face whether or not we will choose to walk. Ignorance or lack of knowledge no longer can be an excuse – it’s a ‘fish or cut bait’ time. How will we act? This is always an individual determination/decision. And if you aren’t confident, if you aren’t willing to ‘put your money where your mouth is’ – what is the basis for the hindrance? It’s nearly as important to know what we do as it is why we do what we do. They really are quite inseparable. Unless… we avoid, deny or simply act as a coward.

Coward doesn’t excuse, but it does explain. There are those who will boldly say but won’t act. There doesn’t seem to be any ‘connect’ between words and actions. The answer is quite simple. These people are walking in doubt or fear but will seemingly say what is expected. But if they are your rear defense, you may find yourself in a world of hurt. Are they deliberate? Possibly. Makes no difference – they are not reliable. And to reconnect words and behaviors has to come from the person and their hearts and minds. 

No one said it would be easy. But the bottom line seems to be our integrity. Will we act with integrity… There’s a scripture that says:

   “I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were
    either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither not nor
    cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16)

Personally, I can’t think of anything worse. But most people who do not make a stand are wishy washy – you don’t know what they will do next. When we walk out what we understand we aren’t presenting this as cement because our learning keeps growing line upon line, precept upon precept. Growing earmaks the words and actions of those who chose to act on what they know and walk out their understanding.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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