
I sometimes wonder if we underestimate the Lord – perhaps not consciously or even with any awareness. We look at (life, challenges, us, fill in the blank) and only see our lack or inability to affect our situation. Yes, sometimes it is an excuse because we don’t want to do/be … but sometimes it is a genuine belief that we can’t. And we forget all about the Lord and His involvement.

“CAN’T” is never a word in the Lord’s vocabulary, at least this is my experience and understanding. I certainly don’t remember of any instance when He said He couldn’t. If the Lord calls you to ‘it’ then you are able – by definition. But rarely on your own. He is always with us and He shows this so many times in so many ways. So why would you doubt that He would prepare you for whatever He calls you to? Why would He send out His army with no defenses. Looking at it in this way does change our perspective. And yes we all do underestimate… for whatever reason.

We may think or feel that we can’t – for whatever reason – but are we ever asked to ‘go it alone’? These are the times that we tend to underestimate ourselves, and our Lord. It doesn’t matter how many times He has ‘come through’ we just aren’t sure … this time. Could the leading not be of the Lord but of ourselves? Maybe whatever we think we should be doing, isn’t what He is telling us. Again – why? We have never been asked to walk by our thinking… or our feeling… or even our experience. We are asked to walk by faith. Why is our faith wavering?

We are fond of quoting… ‘All things work to the good…’ (Romans 8:28) and ‘I am more than a conqueror…’ (Romans 8:31-39) and ‘I can do all things…’ (Philippians 4:13). So if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed – do we believe what we say we do? Will we walk by faith? Will we become ‘can do’ people for Lord and be His ambassadors? I would hope that we would grow into confident people who put aside the underestimating of self, others, and the Lord and become His warriors bringing others into the family and assisting them to grow and join the army.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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