How. Not who or what… or even why – how. How is an action… not a word or thought or even philosophy, though all are the foundation – but how is an action. This is an extremely important question and should never be lightly dismissed or give an off the cuff attention. Granted there are many dynamics that occur when you find your how. One factor is what you already think and have experienced. As you can see, there really are a vast number of determinants in ‘how’. The point is – do you know your how. To get pointed – if you are a Christian, do others know this from your words and behavior?
At times how we got to our how is because of others. The who/what is obviously the center focus but the person attempting to convince you to accept (fill in the blank) plus your level of trust and confidence in them determines whether you accept what they think/believe… or not. Regardless, your interpretation or adaptation is what is seen of what you believe by ‘how’ you express it. We are an expressive creation and are constantly displaying what we believe, who we believe, and all the other manifestation of our ‘how’.
If you believe the Word. Do you act on it… personalize it and make it yours in action as well as words? Or is it more of a reference? If the Word is not alive in you then as ‘good’ as it may be, you’ve not allowed it to be relevant in your life. Perhaps I should have said ‘active’ – it needs to be. It is both a standard to judge what you do and say and a strong defense a path. Without this standard, what are you using as your foundation? What ‘philosophy’ do you base what you do and say… and why?
Your how is your witness. I’ve said this many times and in many ways, but we all witness to what we believe. It is totally impossible not to. You really are what defines you. And what defines you is what you believe. And what you believe is seen by others in your actions, in your how. So answer your own question about what your how is. Never act cavalierly nor unthinkingly… because that too states your who and how.